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Weekly Shabbat Services
Updated December 2024
Friday Evening – 7:15 pm
Saturday Morning – 10:15 am
About Our Weekly Sabbath Services
Friday Night (Erev Shabbat) service is online/ virtual only via Zoom. See link below.
Saturday Morning Shabbat (Shacharit Service) will be both in-person and via Zoom. See link below.
Shabbat Torah Study will be both in-person and via Zoom every Saturday at 2pm. See Torah Study specific info and link below.
All are invited and welcome to participate in our services.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 240 396 164
Password: 963421
As sundown comes for Shabbat, enter His Sabbath rest (Heb. 4:1-3) and let us make a place for His presence.
Sing, pray, study scriptures.
And, let us be compelled to intercede on behalf of each other’s well being continually, as a congregation.
We can surely devote ourselves to that end and let our concerns be made known to Him at all times and in every season.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jerry Feldman
About Us:
Adat Yeshua is a Messianic congregation. We are a worshiping community in continuity with Jewish heritage, lifestyle and Covenantal calling in the context of Jewish Messianic hope. We maintain that hope is realized in the historical person of Yeshua (Jesus), the promised Holy One of Israel foretold by the Biblical prophets of old.
We observe the Jewish Holy Days and Sabbaths. (See our service schedule). We love and are committed to the welfare of the historical Jewish community and the modern Land of Israel. Likewise, we support and love the necessity of Jewish people to maintain their distinct culture and Covenantal responsibilities.
Lastly, we believe that God answers prayer and have experienced many special signs of God’s favor. Our expectation is in Him, that He is actively and lovingly involved in the lives of those who live by faith.
As the original Messianic Congregation in the Kansas City area, we have been teaching, serving, and leading in this community for over 30 years. As such, please consider us your friends. You are welcome to participate in any of the congregational activities and resources of Adat Yeshua Messianic Jewish Congregation. These would also include our educational offerings and unique Judeo-Christian Library.
Attendance is open to all. Non-Jewish people are always welcome. Come and enjoy.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or needs.
Congregational Leader,
Jerry Feldman
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