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Directions to Adat Yeshua Messianic Jewish Congregation

It is easy to find Adat Yeshua Messianic Jewish Congregation. We are conveniently located off of Hwy 69 and I-35. See the map and directions below to find us. Please call us if you have any problems arriving at our location at Adat Yeshua in Overland Park Kansas, 913-888-7272.

The address is 8512 Stearns Overland Park, KS 66214

Please view our short notice to visitors.

Directions from I-35 North of 75th St.: Take I-35 South. Take exit 87th St. Head East (turn left off of exit) about 2 miles. Make a left onto Stearns. Stearns is right before the Traffic light at Switzer. You can also Turn left onto Switzer. You will see Adat Yeshua on the left hand side of Stearns and 85th St.

Directions from I-35 south of 75th St.: Take I-35 North. Take exit 87th St. Head East (turn right off of exit) about 2 miles. Make a left onto Stearns. Stearns is right before the Traffic light at Switzer. You can also Turn left onto Switzer. You will see Adat Yeshua on the left hand side of Stearns and 85th St.

Directions from Hwy 69 South: Take Hwy 69 North. Take exit 87th St. Head East (turn right off of exit) about 1 mile. Make a left onto Stearns. Stearns is right before the Traffic light at Switzer. You can also Turn left onto Switzer. You will see Adat Yeshua on the left hand side of Stearns and 85th St.

Copyright © 2004 Adat Yeshua 8512 Stearns, Overland Park, KS 66214 Phone (913) 888-7272